Part Of The Queue

Cover: Oasis - Don't Believe The TruthLyrics

Suddenly I found that I’d lost my way in this city
The streets and the thousands of colours all bleed into one
I fall down, heaven won’t help me
I call out, no one would hear
All of a sudden I’d lost my way out of the city

Stand tall, stand proud
Every beginning is breaking it’s promise
I’m having trouble just finding some soul in this town

The names on the faces in places they mean nothing to me
It’s all they can do to be part of a queue in this town
I fall down, heaven won’t help me
I call out, no one will hear
There’ll be no tomorrow they say, well I say, more’s the pity

Stand tall, stand proud
Every beginning has broken it’s promise
I’m having trouble just finding my soul in this town

Stand tall, stand proud
Every beginning has broken it’s promise
I’m having trouble just finding my soul in this town

Finding my soul in this town

Keep on trying
Keep on trying
Keep on trying
Keep on trying
Keep on trying
Keep on trying
Keep on trying
Keep on trying

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Cover: Oasis - Don't Believe The Truth

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